Why buy from us?

As the UK's only certified hop plant propagator we put plant health as our Number 1 priority. Before any hop plant is entered into our scheme plants go through a quarantine and isolation program.

Our team have a vast amount of experience, and we continue to lead the way in new techniques and developments with a wholehearted commitment to quality and service. Meticulous care has been given to promote plant health and our plants are grown under specific conditions relating to site and isolation from other crops.

Our Plants

are produced from parent plants tested and found free from

Consequence of using uncertified material

Hop stunt viroid

Reduced cone size, loss of vigour (leading to death of the bine).

Arabis Mosaic Virus

Plant growth stunted. Reduction in Yield

Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Virus

Reduction in the quality and quantity of the yield. Reduced Alpha Acids

American Hop Latent Virus

Reduced Yield

Verticillium Wilt

Potential destruction of crop

Plant Health Propagation Scheme

The Plant Health Propagation Scheme (PHPS) encourages the production and use of healthy planting stock. The Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) appoint Plant Health and Seeds Inspectors (PHSI) to inspect crops at least once a year to check they meet the standards.  

Setting the Standard

There are many pests and diseases that can seriously damage crops and plants in the UK. To protect plant health, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) sets policy and enforces controls and restrictions on the import, movement and keeping of certain plants, plant pests and other materials such as soil. 


The Plant Health and Seeds Inspectorate (PHSI) is part of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) and implements and enforces plant health policy in England, and in Wales on behalf of the Welsh Government. As part of the Plant Health Propagation Scheme, The Hop Plant Company have three annual inspections by APHA ensuring the highest standard in hop plant propagation.

Certified Plant Inspections

Permanent Layer Bed Inspection

May, Year 1

PLB Inspection 1

Our Permanent Layer Beds are inspected by APHA in May for Health, Vigour & Trueness to Type

Permanent Layer Bed Inspection

August, Year 1

PLB Inspection 2

APHA carry out a second inspection in August to further verify Health, Vigour & Trueness to Type once the hops have flowered

Mother Plant Inspection

February, Year 2

Tunnel Inspection

APHA inspect the mother plants produced exclusively from the Permanent Layer Bed the previous year that all nursery stock will be produced from.

Nursery Stock Inspection

August, Year 2

Field Inspection

APHA inspect the nursery plants produce in the spring that are planted out in the field.