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Hallertau Mittelfrüh Hop Plant

Hallertau Mittelfrüh Hop Plant

Origin Germany

Primary Use Aroma

Height Tall

Cultivar or Brand ID 78/28/16

Licence None

Hallertau variety once dominated the region of Bavaria before being replaced by a Hersbrucker and other Hallertau varieties which are more wilt tolerant. Hallertau has tempered yet spicy aroma and is useful any time during the brewing process but is more favourable for late additions or during dry hopping, it has a very long history in German Lagers and its aromatic and flavour properties help to describe generations of the famous Bavarian beers styles, Hallertau is an aromatic hop with an alpha acid rating at 3.5%-5.5% and is considered a ‘noble hop’ along with Tettnanger, Spalt, and Saaz.

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Flavour Description:

Lightly flowery and spicy aroma

  • Growing Information

    Season Maturity Mid

    Ease of Harvest Easy

    Typical Yield 800 - 1100 kg/hectare

    Wilt Sensitivity Sensitive

    Prowdery Mildew Susceptible

    Downy Mildew Susceptible

  • Common Brewing Values

    Alpha Acid 3 - 5.5%

    Beta Acid 3.0 - 5.0%

    Co-Humulone 18 - 28%

    Total Oils 0.7 - 1.3 mL/100g

    Myrcene 15 - 16%

    Humulene 55 - 56%

    Caryophyllene 14 - 15%

    Farnesene 0 - 1%