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Nugget Hop Plant

Nugget Hop Plant

Origin United States

Primary Use Dual Purpose

Height Tall

Cultivar or Brand ID 7005-194

Licence None

Nugget Hops was released in 1982 by the U.S.D.A and is a cross between Brewers Gold and a high alpha acid male. Nugget Hops is the mother of Millennium Hops and ranks second for amount grown Oregon and by 1991 had taken over 14.1% of U.S. hop production.

Nugget Hops has an acute bitterness from its 9.5%-14.0% alpha acid content. It provides the umph in many beer styles that require the hop jolt including imperial style ales. It is a dual use hops that has green, herbal aroma, has a relatively low co-humulone oil content. The myrcene oils are on the high side, which helps provide some of the woody tones.

Nugget is an extremely popular hops for brewing. It was bred partly for its storage capacity, and holds 70%-80% of its alpha acid content after 6 months storage at 20 degrees Celsius. The moderately long compact cones are harvested mid-season. Nugget is moderately resistant to the plagues of the region including Prunus Necrotic Ring-Spot Virus, Downy Mildew, and Powdery Mildew.

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Flavour Description:

Solid bittering, light flavour, herbal aroma

  • Growing Information

    Season Maturity Mid

    Ease of Harvest Difficult

    Typical Yield 1700 - 2200 kg/hectare

    Wilt Sensitivity Unknown

    Prowdery Mildew Resistant

    Downy Mildew Resistant

  • Common Brewing Values

    Alpha Acid 9.5 - 16%

    Beta Acid 3 - 5.8%

    Co-Humulone 22 – 30%

    Total Oils 0.9 - 3.3% mL/100g

    Myrcene 48 - 59%

    Humulene 12 - 22%

    Caryophyllene 7 - 10%

    Farnesene 0 - 1%