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Pioneer Hop Plant

Pioneer Hop Plant

Origin United Kingdom

Primary Use Dual Purpose

Height Dwarf

Cultivar or Brand ID W10

Licence British Hop Association

Pioneer was bred at Horticulture Research International, Wye College in the UK and released originally in 1996. It is a high alpha, high yielding variety and is a very acceptable substitute for many other hops used for kettle hopping. Pioneer is a hedgerow variety with a good tolerance to wilt, but is susceptible to both downy and powdery mildews. It has very good storage stability.

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Flavour Description:

Aromas of cedar, grapefruit, lemon and herbs.

  • Growing Information

    Season Maturity Mid

    Ease of Harvest Difficult

    Typical Yield 1200 - 1500 kg/hectare

    Wilt Sensitivity Tolerant

    Prowdery Mildew Resistant

    Downy Mildew Resistant

  • Common Brewing Values

    Alpha Acid 8 - 10.5%

    Beta Acid 3.5 - 4.5%

    Co-Humulone 36 - 40%

    Total Oils 1 - 1.8 mL/100g

    Myrcene 34 - 36%

    Humulene 18 - 25%

    Caryophyllene 7 - 8%

    Farnesene 0 - 1%