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Progress Hop Plant

Progress Hop Plant

Origin United Kingdom

Primary Use Aroma

Height Tall

Cultivar or Brand ID N/A

Licence None

Progerss was developed at Wye College (a daughter of WGV) and released for commercial production in 1964. Generally grown as a substitute for Fuggle in areas hit by wilt, it has many of the same qualities but in essence has a slightly sweeter sometimes lime fruit character which creates a softer bitterness. Excellent for pale ales, lighter bitters, wheat beers and porters. It has been used in Hop Back's Thunderstorm; Wood Brewery's Hopping Mad.

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Flavour Description:

The aroma characteristics include sweet grass, floral, mint and earthy flavour tones

  • Growing Information

    Season Maturity Early

    Ease of Harvest Medium

    Typical Yield 900 - 1120 kg/hectare

    Wilt Sensitivity Tolerant

    Prowdery Mildew Moderately Susceptible

    Downy Mildew Moderately Susceptible

  • Common Brewing Values

    Alpha Acid 5 - 7.5%

    Beta Acid 1.8 - 2.7%

    Co-Humulone 25 – 27%

    Total Oils 0.5 - 0.5 mL/100g

    Myrcene 25 - 30%

    Humulene 40 - 47%

    Caryophyllene 12 - 15%

    Farnesene 0 - 1%